4 Reasons to Add a Headboard to Your Adjustable Bed
- Marta Griffin | December 21, 2017
Adjustable beds can be a godsend for people who suffer from mobility issues, which is why you’ll generally find them fitted with cushioned headboards. People tend to discount the impact a good headboard can have, especially for those with mobility problems. Here are just four reasons why every adjustable bed should include a good headboard.
- Improves Comfort
An adjustable bed lets you sit up in bed more easily. That’s ideal if you need to sleep with an elevated upper body or sit up when you’re stuck in bed. However, it can be uncomfortable to lie with your back against the wall; even with a bunch of pillows piled behind you, the position can become uncomfortable. If you’re already investing in an adjustable bed, why not make it as comfortable as possible?
- Enhances Style
People often worry that replacing their regular bed with an adjustable bed will affect the visual appeal of the bedroom. Maybe so, but you can use them to make a room look better if you find the right design and add a headboard. The headboard is what serves to bring a room together. Upholstered headboards come in a wide range of colours and designs, so you’ll be able to find one that suits you down to the ground.
- Prevents Marks
If you spend a long time sitting up in bed each day, leaning right up against the wall, even with several pillows between your back and the wall, is going to cause marks. As time goes by, wallpaper will be worn thin and paint will take on a darker appearance. To prevent that happening, protect your walls with a cushioned headboard.
- Keeps You Warm
Staying warm is important when you’re dealing with mobility issues, and many people don’t realise that headboards can help keep you cosy. A nice thick headboard will prevent the coolness of the wall slipping between your sheets. Instead of waking up with an aching neck and shoulders, you’ll feel perfectly rested when you arise each morning.